Architecture Two Ways

If someone mentions the word “architecture,” does the image of a bridge or building immediately pop into your head? Yes, I’m the same way. I often associate architecture with bridges, skyscrapers and cottages by sea or cabins in the woods. Sort of a combination of practical and wish I had.

Many of the great architectural wonders of the world were built for religious regions by pharaohs for Amon-Ra, for great cathedrals like Notre Dame, Hagia Sophia, St. Paul’s, and Basílica and Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família; and for shrines. Sacred edifices show the skill of the architect, and style of a culture and share spiritual meanings of a religion.

Hindu shrine

horizontal view of shrine

I think there are two ways to look at a shrine or religious structure by looking at the architectural design and religious motifs. For a Travel theme – Architecture and Weekly Photo Challenge – One Shot, Two Ways, I’ve got an inspiring shrine.

Hindu shrine close up

close up angled view of shrine

17 responses to “Architecture Two Ways

  1. Pingback: 8-9-13 Travel Theme: Architecture | The Quotidian Hudson·

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  4. Pingback: travel theme: architecture | my sweetpainteddreams·

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – One Shot, Two Ways | castelsarrasin·

  6. Pingback: Photo Project ’52 Bolivian Sundays’ [week 32, 'One Shot, Two Ways, the Kenua Tree']. | 3rdculturechildren·

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