Spring Waterfall

Sometimes admiration is like a waterfall spilling forward; and sometimes it comes on subtly for something or someone.

I’ve always admired waterfalls, their energetic force and sounds that at once stimulate and soothe. So, I enjoyed stopping for a while at this cool, clear waterfall to watch its sheer beauty as it tumbles on its course over rocks. The years may pass, but this waterfall has not changed or the creek that it courses on and the wildlife that lives by it.



I admire a person you can hear the music of the water.

    Water Music
    by Robert Creeley
    The words are a beautiful music.
    The words bounce like in water.

    Water music,
    loud in the clearing

    off the boats,
    birds, leaves.

    They look for a place
    to sit and eat–

    no meaning,
    no point.

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